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Technische Universität München - Lehrstuhl für Lebensmittelchemie und molekulare Sensorik - Abteilung Wassertechnologie

Water Systems Technology – engineering our future

Water systems technology is focusing on the interface of water and environment with a special emphasis on the needs of the food industry. Within this context a wide spectrum of specific issues (drinking water, waste water, process engineering, microbiology, water as food, sensory) is studied in the framework of research projects. Due to many years of experience in the field of water and environment and an interdisciplinary composition of the research group, a well-founded expert knowledge exists to handle pressing questions of water systems technology. The group's excellent network, containing other research groups and business companies, allows to aquire specific research partners to ensure cutting-edge research. To improve networking of industry and academic research units, recent scientific findings are being made public via seminars.